PoliticsLes élections américaines vu par un immigrant français aux...

The American elections seen by a French immigrant in the United States


By : rodolphe

The current state of the US elections is marked by growing political polarization, a complex primary season and significant challenges related to the

From here it seems that the situation is explosive in the sense that in this bipolar context everyone of course has their own opinion and reasons about the best candidate to vote for. The problem is that these reasons are not necessarily logically sound.

Let me explain…

the duality of the American system

One of the most striking features of every election cycle in the United States is the deep division between the two major political parties. Democrats and Republicans are increasingly entrenched in their respective ideologies, which often leads to fierce partisan clashes over issues such as health care, climate change and social justice, abortion, and wars.

This polarization has not only affected political discourse, but has also shaped voter behavior, with many Americans identifying more rigidly with their chosen party. The implications are profound; moderate voices are often drowned out, and bipartisan cooperation has become increasingly rare.For an immigrant with a visa to the United States and an interest in political life, it is sometimes difficult to understand the workings of this system, which is nevertheless well-oiled.

The primaries for both parties are now over, featuring a mix of established figures (Trump, Joe Biden… uh, Kamala Harris…) and independent candidates that no one knows or will know (Jill Stein, Cornel West or Chase Oliver, anyone? ? ?).

On the Democratic side, President Joe Biden was seeking reelection, facing minimal opposition from within his party, with concerns about his age and approval ratings, but his performance in the first debate was so difficult to watch without calling 991, the emergency service, to take him to the nearest nursing home, that it was quickly decided to tap Kamala Harris to replace him.

The decision to replace Job Biden with Kamala, pronounced “comma-la,” was swift, but was followed by an incredible craze by the American media for the “new” candidate. Not a minute went by without seeing a video of Kamala on CNN.

The outgoing administration's handling of key issues, such as the economy and foreign policy, is under scrutiny, and while Kamala has emerged as a strong candidate despite a rocky start, doubts remain about her ability to be elected.

On the Republican side, the situation is much different. Former President Donald Trump dominated the primary race, despite ongoing legal challenges, including four criminal cases pending. His candidacy has rekindled debates within the GOP about the future direction of the party.

And for me, that's where I mentally disconnect, perhaps as someone from Europe. How can you want to entrust the keys to the greatest country in the world to someone who has been in so many trouble…

Seriously, while some Republicans are rallying around Trump's populist message, others are arguing for a return to traditional conservative values, creating a divide that could shape the party's performance in the general election.

Voter engagement also remains a critical concern. Turnout in recent elections has shown that many Americans feel disillusioned with the political system.

This discontent is often fueled by perceived systemic problems, such as redistricting, voter suppression efforts and concerns about the integrity of the electoral process.

Finally, for me, the first debate between Harris and Trump made it clear to me who I would like to entrust with the keys to the White House if I could vote. Of course, I already knew before, but it was magical to see an intelligent person respond to Trump in a simple and sensible way.

Here is the summary in English for those who are interested.

What is notable, and the most striking fact, of the debate is Trump's lack of preparation to answer the questions that are important to Americans.

The rise of misinformation, often fueled by Trump himself and particularly on social media, further complicates efforts to inform and mobilize voters, often leading to confusion and apathy about important electoral issues.

In summary, as a French person in the United States, I think that the outcome of these elections is very important, even for the French in France, whether we like it or not. The number of decisions that this impacts is incalculable. A Democratic victory would, in my opinion, solidify a certain perception of the United States, whether it is justified or not.


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