OpinionJe déteste les citrouilles et je commence à croire...

I hate pumpkins and I start to believe you do too.


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As a foreigner in America, I am used to customs that I am not privy too .Halloween is one of those or Thanksgiving in a few weeks .I was not raised following those holidays, and it’s feels even weird to me when those days are coming and people are starting to dress up for Halloween .But there is one custom I can get used to, and it’s the pumpkin flavor or the pumpkin carving things.Sorry in advance for that!!!

Well for me is pretty much visceral I hate the flavor and I am disgusted by the smell sorry .The whole is kinda weird to me, being that, I could eat the thing if it’s cooked well and purred but I would certainly would not spend an evening carving the thing .That poor thing hasn’t done anything that deserves such an ending to me.

I understand that there is the history behind this, but yet again this is not how I was raised so there is to do here. But there is a commercial side of it, yes, the commercial aspect of it is undeniable, early October or end of September you see pumpkins popping up pretty much everywhere and pumpkin flavored drinks in every Dunkin (I live in Massachusetts) this is a requirement it seems.

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But my question to you is the following if the pumpkin flavor was so loveable why those companies aren’t making it year around .To me there is only one reason. People hate pumpkin as much as me, but either they cope with that fact for those 2 months and something and drink their cool aid and carve their pumpkins because they have to pretty much at that point.

Just the fact that when Halloween is over, you see the pile of pumpkin left in the stores comforts me in my belief .The day after Halloween everything is at least half of, and it seems it stays there forever because nobody buys it anymore. All the pumpkin flavored coffee stays there as well. Pumpkin flavored cakes and biscuits, cookies, loaves, Danishes…etc stays on the shelves. I keep wondering where all those things end up if they are not bought and where they get put in the trash…. My 2 cents no one asked for…


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