Technology4 applications essentielles que je dois installer sur les...

4 Essential Apps I have to Install on Computers whether they are Mac or PC


By : rodolphe

In today’s digital world, having the right tools on your computer can make all the difference in terms of productivity, creativity, and security. With countless apps available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That

With these four apps installed, your computer we believe you will be equipped to handle everything from day-to-day tasks to more advanced projects.

Whether you’re changing computer or reinstalling an existing one when it comes to applications that needs to be installed in priority, I believe the ones presented here are important to consider.

This one might be the more obvious one but even if I tried to not use it the functionalities of Chrome and its ecosystem is so rich that it is now difficult to leave without it .


Platform: Mac & PC

– I have several qalms with the giant of research over the internet about privacy and memory issues but there is no going around it .

Chrome is still the best option when it comes to surf on the web this days.


Platform: Mac & PC

– Security is nowadays a must when it comes to surfing and you might do it from different places using networks that are not fully secured .

– The use of a VPN is then more than recommended in many cases.


Platform: Mac & PC

– Whether you’re streaming music or listening to downloaded audio, Spotify and Apple Music are excellent for online music, while VLC is your go-to for offline media.


Platform: Mac & PC

– if you need to stay connected with friends and loved ones I prefer using whatsapp for its connectivity with my phone.

– This way I can stay in sync on my devices without having to do much .

– I prefer it over messenger or discord because of the client app that fits my needs.

Visual Studio Code.

Platform: Mac & PC

– Ideal for coders and developers, Visual Studio Code is a free, open-source editor with robust extension support.


– Free alternatives to Adobe apps, GIMP is a powerful open-source graphic design tool.

– It might be quite difficult at first to use it but you will be impressed by its power.


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