EntertainmentActorsDenzel Washington :Ses Meilleurs films

Denzel Washington: His Best Movies


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Denzel Washington is an American actor, director and producer, born on December 28, 1954 in Mount Vernon, New York. Recognized for his exceptional talent, he has won numerous awards, including two Academy Awards for Best Actor for his roles in "Training Day" and "Glory".

His career began in television, but he quickly found his niche in film, appearing in iconic films such as "Malcolm X," "The Hurricane" and "Fences," which he also directed.

Washington is known for his charisma and ability to portray complex characters, often marked by internal struggles. In addition to his acting career, he is involved in charitable work and promotes education and equality. With his impressive career, Denzel Washington remains an iconic figure in American cinema, inspiring generations of actors and spectators around the world.

Mo' Better Blues Trailer (1993)

Philadelphia (1990)

Man on Fire (2004)

The Book of Eli (2010)

Training Day (2001)

American Gangster (2007)

He Got Game (1998)

The Equalizer (2014)

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